Monday, April 21, 2008

Little Known Illnesses

AFROPHOBIA: Fear of the return of the 70's hair styles.

DEJA FLU: The feeling that one has had this cold before.

HYPOCOINDRIA: Fear of not having the correct change.

HAIRPIECE SWIMPLEX: Rash caused by wearing a toupee in a pool.


VISACARDITIS: The heart stopping sensation brought on by exceeding your credit limit.

OREOPOROSIS: Disorder causd by too many cookies, and not enough milk.

SONSTROKE: An attack during the reading of a will.

ROSWELL-BABY SYNDROME: Irrational fear that one's infant might be a Mermaid.


Anonymous said...

I was going to add some extra illnesses but I can't think of any. I think I have Bloggers Block...

Daisy said...

you do know how to put a smile on my face early in the morning! thank you old tarf...

MommyHeadache said...

Intriguing, I also recently was diagnosed with:

An obsession with stuffing chocolate down one's gullett and not throwing it up

The Old Tarf said...

Mutley- Bloggers Block- that is a little known illness. Fear of being stuck on a toilet and cannot get to your computer on time to email.

Daisy-Your welcome.

Emmak- I suffer from that as well, with a side order of Dairy Queen ice cream.

Ninja said...

I get a sorta visacarditis every month...i never exceed the limit but i get anxiety attacks cos of the fact that i owe 'someone' money! And the 'attacks' lasts until i pay my bills!

The Old Tarf said...

I think that is an affliction that we all have from time to time. It is similar to the expression "allergic to work". It should really be an intolerance for work.

Caused by "Woeismeitis". "Fear of knowing you haven't won the lottery again this week. And your alarm clock just went of for the the second time"

Anonymous said...

I often ponder what I would do if I won the lottery then I remember that I don't buy a ticket.

I've got Dejaflu at the moment and there is no chance of me ever getting Visacarditis as the bank just ups my limit every time I go near it. Crazy.

The Old Tarf said...

RB- I am sorry you have Deja Flu. Hope you get better soon. I am still waiting to win the lottery. So it is still "Woeismeitis" that I suffer from.

The Old Tarf said...
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